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    Presona enters East Asia

    Presona and the company WinPac C&D Co., Ltd, based in Seoul, South Korea, have decided to work together on the East Asian market.

    “The company WinPac has a long experience within the recycling business and a solid knowledge about baling equipment. We are very pleased to get the opportunity to work with an established partner, such as WinPac. The East Asian market is also very interesting and we see a very good potential for our products. We know that the quality and longevity of our products always will be determining for professional buyers and with WinPac as partner, we know this message will be communicated in the best possible way. The cooperation will start in South Korea, Indonesia, Myanmar and Vietnam. In the future we might very well extend our geographical scope but think that we have enough to work on for the time being” says Sales and Marketing Manager Ulla Billing.

    For more information about WinPac, please contact Mr I.S. Joo:

    WinPac C&D Co., Ltd
    Munhwa Building 4F 98,
    Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu
    KR-135-964 Seoul
    Tel +82 2 574 0666
    Fax +82 2 574 1720
    Contact: Mr I.S. Joo

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