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    ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. Sometimes this is also referred to as Sustainability. From a business standpoint ESG, is about how Presona’s business, both the products we make and how we conduct our operations, affects the environment, society, customers and our workforce.  

    Climate change and the need to preserve the world’s resources can only be controlled through a successful transition and implementation of the circular economy.  As a vital provider of systems and solutions to the circular industry, and a socially responsible company with high integrity, Presona is committed to support and co-develop the ESG requirements that gradually will become a natural part of the way we run businesses and the society as a whole.

    Below we explain how Presona operations and products are aligned with the three parts of ESG: Environmental, Social and Governance.


    Our products

    • Our main business is developing and selling products for compaction, thus reducing the need for transports.
    • The prepress technology makes our balers very energy efficient compared to balers that use other compacting technologies.
    • Smart tying unit design means that our balers use a lot less wire than most other balers do.
    • Our balers have a long lifespan because of quality materials and design. A well-maintained Presona baler should last a very long time.
    • Most Presona balers get a second life as they are sold second-hand.
    • Our products are made up of a high amount of materials that can be recycled when the product is decommissioned.

    Our operations

    • All Presona staff (Sweden) have environmental training.
    • Our facilities are well-suited to our operations.
    • Most of our suppliers are local or regional.
    • Our operations have a low environmental impact. We do not contribute to air or water pollution.
    • We use transport services with low environmental impact.
    • We sort our waste – both in the workshops and in our office areas.
    • We are certified according to ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Management Systems.
    • We utilize raw materials, resources and energy efficiently.


    • We use collective agreements to ensure fair wages and good working conditions for our staff.
    • We work systematically with the work environment, including for example;
      • Safety inspections
      • Safety committee (with both internal and external members/representatives).
    • We support and operate in accordance with The UN Global Compact principles.
    • We encourage our suppliers to support and operate in accordance with The UN Global Compact principles.
    • We support and operate in accordance with the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) four fundamental principles and rights at work.
    • We follow data protection & privacy legislation.
    • We encourage employee engagement, through
      • information
      • education
      • participation.
    • We seek customer feedback in order to increase customer satisfaction.


    Management systems

    Code of conduct

    The Presona Code of Conduct defines how we do business. It contains many important parts but we would like to especially highlight three of our seven guiding principles:

    • We respect the rule of law, conduct our business with integrity and honesty and are accountable for our actions.
    • We do not tolerate the offering, solicitation or acceptance of bribes.
    • We are all entitled to alert the designated compliance offices if we witness any violations of laws or of this Code of Conduct.


    We conduct regular audits in order to make sure we operate efficiently and comply with rules and regulations.

    • Audits are conducted by both external and internal auditors.
    • Audits conducted: financial, operational and compliance.