
Code of Conduct

Our business principles

At Presona, we work to create added value for our stakeholders without compromising the high standards we set in terms of our environmental and social responsibility. We support and operate our business in accordance with the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, the general concepts expressed in the International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.Our Code of Conduct  is applicable to all employees, offices and Board members of Presona, in all markets and at all times. Presona encourages suppliers, sales agents, consultants and other business partners to adopt the Global Compact principles as well as those in our Code of Conduct.

How to apply the code

Every employee has received a copy of the Code of Conduct and needs to understand and comply with it. The Code of Conduct should be used as a support tool laying down the principles on which our day-to-day work is based.

On suspicion of violation

If an employee has reason to suspect that laws, other legal requirements or the Code of Conduct, are possibly being violated, he or she has the right, without fear of reprisal from anyone, to inform the management of any suspected criminal or seriously improper activity.

Our 7 Golden Principles

Business at Presona shall be conducted in accordance with the following principles:

  1. We respect the rights of the individual, act in accordance with fair business, marketing and advertising practices and are committed to continuously developing the safety and quality of our products and processes.
  2. We respect the rule of law, conduct our business with integrity and honesty and are accountable for our actions.
  3. We continuously work to reduce the negative impact of our operations on the environment and health.
  4. We do not engage in illegal operations or operate in the context of illegal activities.
  5. We do not tolerate the offering, solicitation or acceptance of bribes.
  6. We are all entitled to alert the designated compliance offices if we witness any violations of laws or of this Code of Conduct.
  7. Presona listens to its stakeholders and takes their opinions into account with the objective of ensuring the sustainable success of our Company.

Workplace and Environment

Environment, Health & Safety

Our fundamental principles shall contribute to ecologically sustainable development and to safeguarding the health and safety of all our employees.

Energy & Materials

  • We will work to increase our resource effciency by reducing the consumption of energy and raw materials in our production and to improve the recovery resource efficiency of our products.

Health & Safety

  • We shall pursue a health and safety work in order to minimize, and if possible eliminate, the risks at our work places.
  • We shall, wherever we operate and work, maintain good health and safety standards and work to minimize, and if possible eliminate, the effects of accidents.
  • We do not permit employees to be intoxicated at the workplace or to work under the influence of drugs.


  • Environmental, health and safety aspects shall be taken into account in the development of products and processes.

Fair employment practices

Our fundamental principle is that we respect our employees and their human rights.

  • We will not apply special treatment to employees in regard to employment or work assignments on the basis of gender, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinions, or social or ethnic origin.
  • Presona employees shall not harass or discriminate against any colleague or business partner for any reason.
  • We will respect our employees’ right to be represented by unions and other employee representatives, as well as their right to take part in collective employment agreements.
  • Wages and salaries will be paid as agreed and on time.
  • We do not allow illegal or forced labour or child labour  in our own operations or in the operations of our suppliers or any other parties with whom we cooperate.

Development of employees

Our fundamental principle is that we will provide appropriate training to improve skill levels.

  • All employees are responsible for their personal development of skills and capabilities.
  • In accordance with business needs, we will provide the opportunity to improve our employees’ capabilities in order to develop their professional skills and enhance their social and economic opportunities.
  • Competence development activities shall aim at creating the right conditions to fulfill present and future requirements.

Conflict of interest

Our fundamental principle is that Presona employees shall not participate in any activities that are in conflict with the interests of the company.

  • A conflict arises when an employee’s personal, social, financial or political activities have the potential to interfere with his or her loyalty or objectivity towards the company.
  • Employees shall avoid all situations in which there is a potential conflict of interest.
  • Employees shall avoid personal or family financial interests in, or indebtedness to, enterprises that have significant business relations with Presona.
  • At the management level, Presona does not accept outside employment without specific approval from the CEO.
  • All potential conflicts of interest shall immediately be reported to management.


Fair business

Our fundamental principle is that in all our business activities and relations with customers, business partners and authorities, sound business ethics must always prevail.

  • We do not accept the offering, solicitation or acceptance of any form of bribes, whatever the form, method or purpose.
  • The remuneration of agents shall be appropriate and for legitimate services only.
  • No employee shall seek or accept any gift, entertainment or personal favour that might reasonably be believed to have an influence on business transactions or which is contrary to applicable laws or customary business practice.
  • Gifts, entertainment, compensation or personal favours may be offered to a third party only if they are modest in value and consistent with applicable laws and customary business practice.


Our fundamental principle is that all entities and employees of Presona must at all times observe and be in compliance with applicable laws on competition.

  • If there is any doubt regarding applicable competition law, legal advice must be obtained.
  • Certain types of agreements that are particularly sensitive with regard to competition law must not be negotiated or entered into without the involvement of the management.


Presona is committed to working with suppliers who adhere to our quality requirements and business principles. We will strive to support positive changes as regards quality, the environment and the work environment.

  • Our ambition is to include the requirement of compliance with the Presona Code of Conduct in supplier contracts.
  • We will insist that suppliers follow legal requirements and work actively to reduce negative environmental and health impacts from processes, services and products. We will encourage suppliers to implement certifiable quality and environmental management systems.
  • We will support and continuously monitor the performance of our suppliers.
  • If a supplier is found not to be adhering to an agreed specifcation, we will consider appropriate actions, including demands for corrective measures, or termination of the relationship.

Product quality and safety

Our fundamental principle is to take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety and quality of the goods we supply.

  • Our products shall meet agreed and legal standards for customer health and safety, including health warnings, product safety and information labels.
  • We will offer sufficient, accurate and clear information regarding our products’ content, safe use, maintenance, storage and disposal to enable our customers to make informed decisions.
  • We will provide transparent and effective procedures to address customer complaints and contribute to a fair and timely resolution of customer disputes, without undue cost or burden.
  • Our ambition is to assess, and address in our decision-making, the foreseeable environmental, health, and safety-related effects associated with our main products over their full life-cycle.

Society and Community

Supporting communities

Our fundamental principle is to contribute to a better society by supporting local communities where we operate.

  • We will strive to hire and develop local employees and managers.
  • We shall not make contributions to political parties or committees or to individual politicians.

Open and honest communication

Our fundamental principle is that all communication shall adhere to relevant legislation, regulations and standards. Our communication shall be transparent and honest.

  • We are committed to being open and accurate within the limits of commercial confidentiality.
  • Our communication shall be characterized by close relations with the our stakeholders and based on frequent contacts, clarity and strong ethics.
  • As employees, we are all required to observe the applicable rules on preservation of confidentiality regarding the company’s and the business partners’ proprietary information.

The Code of Conduct was adopted by the Presona Board of Directors in April 2012.

Arve Kristoffersen, Chairman                                                                                      Stefan Ekström, CEO